3 Easy Styling Tips
Do you ever feel like you have nothing to wear? Even though you're standing in front of a closet full of clothes? We’re here to tell you it’s a normal feeling. I think it’s safe to say we’re constantly renewing our wardrobes (just a fancy way to say shopaholic) and so this situation does not occur due to a lack of clothes available, in reality, the problem is rooted in a lack of inspiration and innovation.
Most of the time, feeling like we have nothing to wear is not a matter of quantity or quality of our pieces, but an ongoing struggle to invent new ways to combine our pieces. It’s not clothes we’re lacking, but a sense of creativity and cohesive style references. So don’t run out the door shopping, but take a different look at the pieces we already own.
Certainly, understanding your own sense of style and keeping style references on your radar is a crucial first step, it's always recommended to surround yourself with visual inspiration. However, if you’re looking for practical advice, we present you with 3 easy styling tips and techniques for when you feel like you have nothing to wear.
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1. The Sandwich Method
This formula basically consists of balancing your outfit by matching your top piece to your shoes and making a “sandwich” with the middle part of your outfit. Your top and shoe could match in any way such as colour, vibe, print, etc., and your trousers, pants, shorts or skirts should diverge from that choice.
You can try this method by wearing a white top and white sneakers with blue jeans. Another suggestion would be a “vibe sandwich” wearing a top and shoes both in a sporty vibe and combining it with a long formal skirt or even tailored trousers, meaning you’re mixing a relaxed and formal all-in-one outfit.
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2. The 3-Color Combination
Another easy way to spice up your outfits is by playing with colours. Yes, this technique is as simple as it sounds: you only need to choose a different colour for each piece of clothing. In this case, we’ll separate the outfit into three sections, so we’re usually talking about tops, bottoms and shoes, but you could include an accessory (bag, headpiece, statement belt) in the same colour as the shoes; for example, if you’re planning to wear a one-piece, dress or matching colour set, think of other colours for the remaining sections.
The catch here is coming up with a 3 colour pallet. A few favourite suggestions of ours are lavender, green and white, yellow, orange and blue and you could never go wrong with a good old beige, white and denim blue.
The combinations are infinite and there are no wrongs here, as long as you let your creativity flow!
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3. The Wrong Shoe Theory
First pointed out by stylist Allison Bornstein, The Wrong Shoe Theory is the best hack to elevate your outfit and make you look like you just got out of a Pinterest board. Pretty self-explanatory, this method consists of pairing an unexpected pair of shoes to your outfit.
An example of The Wrong Shoe Theory would be pairing sneakers with a long dress, flip-flops with tailored pants, and even heels with jorts. Nobody would expect to combine formal and sportswear, or classic to chunky, it’s a bold, creative and outside-of-the-box-thinking formula.
A few extra tips to help make your outfit choices a simpler task are keeping your closet organized, this helps make better visualization. Secondly, understand your personal style; try not to compare your own to other people’s.
We understand how difficult this creative process can be sometimes, but consider giving the clothes you already own a second chance, working to come up with new ways to wear them could really help get you out of your comfort zone.
These tips are valuable when it comes to styling creatively and help you save time and money. Follow these tips and you are one step closer to getting the most out of your wardrobe.